Celebrate Every Child. Challenge Every Learner.

About Our School Arrow
boy playing chess

We are a day school for students in preschool through eighth grade.

CDS is a joyful school where students bravely take academic, artistic and social risks. We teach empathy and kindness, embracing music, art and physical fitness as critical parts of education and development.

92% of lead teachers hold Master's degrees.

100% committed to preschool through eighth-grade experience.

The largest private school music program in Charlottesville.


Fern Hauck

Fern Hauck, M.D., M.S.


My children attended CDS from the third grade through middle school. Our family is very grateful to all the wonderful teachers at CDS, too numerous to name. We will always appreciate the nurturing, supportive and stimulating environment of CDS and the excellent education that led to our kid's subsequent successes in high school and now in college.

josh fischer

Josh Fischer, M.D.


CDS has been an excellent experience for our boys. The environment is very supportive but also challenges them to push themselves. I would recommend it to any family.

Aidan Miller

Aidan Miller

CDS Class of 2016, Charlottesville High School

English class was incredibly helpful, as was math. They got me on a more AP-style track than a significant number of students. My fondest and bitterest memory is graduation. I didn’t want to leave, but everything came together in an amazing way. It was an amazing experience, like the rest of CDS.

Whole School Photo

Support Us

Your donations make it possible for CDS to offer exceptional programs for our students, attract and retain great teachers, improve our buildings and property, and augment financial aid.


Harmony Magazine

We created Harmony magazine to celebrate the accomplishments of our vibrant school community. The publication’s name reflects so much of what happens at our school. First, music is an essential part of the CDS experience. Second, Harmony reflects a broader principle of weaving together unique individual parts into one coherent whole. We know that a peaceful, harmonious school environment is the foundation for optimal brain development and, in turn, spurs great leaps forward academically and socially. Finally, CDS stands for the belief that we and our children are fortunate to live in a diverse society. Our students embrace the virtue of living in harmony with all of their neighbors.

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